Wednesday, July 7, 2010

True relaxation...

The 4th of July holiday weekend started off with a bang when Josh called Friday morning to say that I would soon be getting a surprise. He booked me an "appointment", and I would soon find out what for. I immediately thought...massage or maybe a manicure or pedicure! All very exciting and needed. I had the day off and was just easing into the vacation mentality of not being at work from Friday through Monday. No matter what he was planning it was going to be great and relaxing, I was sure. I truly had no idea how relaxing it would be!

He had arranged for a cleaning crew of 3 (angels, in my opinion) to show up Friday afternoon with mops, vacuums, sponges and brooms to clean our home from floor to ceiling. The chandeliers were dusted, the rugs pulled up and wood floors cleaned underneath, bathrooms were scrubbed, all of the stone floors were mopped, etc.! This was SO much more relaxing than any massage could be. After a massage, I would still have all of this to do!

Josh wanted us to spend the long weekend together NOT cleaning and working during our downtime but actually enjoying the time together. The truth is he knows that cleaning and keeping our house in order gives me anxiety. I love having family and friends over to visit, but I often feel so pressured to make things look as perfect as possible and never feel like I have enough time to do it while working full time. This alleviated all of that anxiety and allowed for a truly chilled out long weekend! We were able to hang out, visit family, have people over, take a day trip, and even nap. Re-lax-ing.

Major brownie points!

And I actually had enough time to make some of these guys as a thank you to him too...

I'm so thankful for my precious husband and his awareness of what would really make a difference for both of us over the weekend. Now if only we can keep the place clean until his next big revelation!

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