Friday, May 27, 2011

Sweet eye candy...

In a few short days one of my best friends will give birth to her 2nd little girl. 

I can only imagine the excitement and nervousness that she is feeling.  What will she look like?  Will she be a good sleeper?  How will her first daughter adapt?  How will she balance being a wife, mother of two, and career woman?  What will her little girls grow up to be? 

I know my friend and I know no matter if these and 1,000 other questions are running through her mind right now, she's remaining one cool cucumber!  It's amazing how some woman can totally do that!  I admire her so much.  She's been on my heart and mind a lot lately.  She's also been on my mind because she's one of the best design friends that I have.  I KNOW baby #2's nursery is going to be soft, sweet, and an elegant reflection of my friend.  I got to see a preview of it a few month's ago and I am hoping I can get her to send me some pics to post for you all.  It's certainly blog-worthy!

In honor of her and her bundle that's on the way, I had to post some incredible nurseries that I've seen lately.  I swear they are like eye candy!  Sweet, delicious, savory candy!


Now if only isn't so taboo or freakish looking to make one of the rooms in our house into a nursery without actually bringing home one of the bundles that's supposed to go in it.  Hmmm...yeah, probably not going to happen. 

Perhaps a pug in a crib would work?  Ok, maybe not. I guess a better stick to dog rooms for now. 

Happy Friday!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

They say...

Absense makes the heart grow fonder.

Well, I sure hope the saying is true.

It's definitely been a long absense, I know.  I'm just hoping that your hearts have grown fonder.

A quick update on this crazy unknown's progressed some; I did a crazy treatment of IVIG in early May and will do another in June; I'm waiting to go to the Mayo clinic in June to meet with the pros and see if we can get some answers.  I'm crossing my fingers and praying...a lot.

Alright, now for a much better (and fun) update...

May 19th I turned 32!  Eeekk.  I really have no idea how I got to be this age.  Seriously.  32 means I am officially "in" my 30's.  Wow.

My husband handled my birthday week, oh yes...a week, like a pro.  He was prepared for my erratic 32 year old behavior...filled with attempts to remain childlike and questions on what I have actually accomplished in my life.

Josh gave me a birthday card on Monday that was quite creative and definitely made me laugh.

It said...
X 2! = 32

He thinks he's so clever!  I have to give it to him was pretty clever.

He did surprise me with two really fun rings that I had ooohhed and aaahed over months ago.  They are sweet initial rings from Catbird NYC

I LOVE them!  I'm now sporting a "J" and an "N" on my hand.

I'm thinking that some alpha earrings would be quite precious for my 32nd and a 1/2 birthday, don't you?  Maybe ones with an "X" and an "O".  Two letters I'm quite fond of!

For my 32nd year on this earth, I'm praying for God to guide me and show me the purpose behind this crazy illness and life changing event.  Maybe He will and maybe He won't, but I know He's in control and there is a greater good and purpose behind all of this.  I'll remain faithful and continue to turn to Him for the answers and the comfort. 

For my 32nd year on this earth, I'm also feeling the love that surrounds me every day from my husband, family and friends...and all of you.  It's been an overwhelming feeling to check into my blog to see that so many of you are still loyally checking it weekly to see if and when I will finally post something.  It's like having an online hug every single week knowing that you are all still there.  Thank you so so much.

Alright, enough love fest stuff...

I'll just say...My cup runneth over!

Happy Wednesday!  I promise to be back soon. 
